Monday, 5 September 2011

Topic and Main Ideas

The topic is sometimes referred to as the subject. It may be about pollution, sex, drugs, or crime.

The Main Idea is different from the topic even though they are related.
The main idea is the "key concept" being expressed. It is the focus of the passage or work you are reading. For example, is the article just about crime or is it explaining that crime affects the very core of tourism?
So as you can see the topic is broad, but the main idea gears into the essence or the essential meaning of the passage.

Now turn to page 320 of A Comprehensive English Course and examine Activity 1.
What is the main idea?
What are the supporting details?

Click on Comments. Post your responses.


  1. Main Idea
    Wealthy vacationers are no longer holidaying within their region they are using air transportation to travelling further away in search of new experiences.

    Supporting details

    The Caribbean islands........... Add the enchantment of adventure
    Its pleasing to the eye
    A variety of flora and fauna
    Relaxation on magnificent beaches
    Exotic food
    Unique music

  2. Now Wendy I want you to examine that paragraph again. Look at your main idea and ask yourself:
    1) Is the passage largely about wealthy vacationers no longer holidaying within their region?
    2)Is it largely about the them traveling further away in search of new experiences?

    If you can find a lot of evidence in the passage to support your point you are right on target.
    The supporting details you have mentioned actually support something else and the writer has provided a hint so you could identify it.

  3. A Caribbean vacation will offers tourist from North America and Europe new and exciting experiences.

  4. Okay Wendy, right on target! A Caribbean vacation offers tourist from North America and Europe new and exciting experiences.
    I like the way you put it together and if you take a close look the main idea is also encapsulated in the last sentence: "In brief, the Caribbean as a tourist area offers the diversions of a new way of life."
    All the evidence points to the new way of life such as the flora and fauna, magnificent beaches, breathtaking coastal scenery, and the many points you listed above. Try the other paragraphs and remember to question yourself as you try to identify the main idea.

  5. The distant between each Caribbean Islands will add to the fascination of a holiday trip for there will be a variation in attractions and it will appeal to everyone taste.
    Supporting details:lush tropical vegetation
    flora and fauna
    magnificent beaches
    exotic food
    carnival and Bajan rum

  6. Now Madge your main idea should read: The distance between each Caribbean island will add to the fascination of a holiday trip for there will be a variation in attractions and it will appeal to everyone's taste.
    Look at the grammatical corrections I have made to your main idea. Also I have one question for you. Is the paragraph mostly about the distance between Caribbean island? Take a look at the comments I've made about Wendy's response above.
