Monday 30 April 2012

Compsoing Essays: The Body


Now this is also known as the meat of the essay.
Here is where you will pick up the majority of your marks.
Click on comments for more info.


  1. The Body
    This is the flesh of the essay! Without it you have just a head and feet as the diagram illustrates.
    But before you begin, ensure that you know the elements of the Body.

    1) Topic Sentence: A sentence that captures the meaning of the entire paragraph.
    A topic sentence could be found anywhere but some writers believe it is best if the topic sentence is placed in the first sentence of the paragraph so the reader/examiner knows immediately what will be discussed in the paragraph.

    • For the CAPE exam, I recommend that you begin each paragraph within the body with a topic sentence. Remember to indent for each paragraph.
    • You should have one point per paragraph so avoid discussing two or more organizational strategies or language techniques in one paragraph.

    • For example the beginning of a paragraph could read: “It is evident that cause and effect is major organizational strategy in this extract.” Right away the examiner knows that you are going to discuss the cause and effect strategy.

  2. 2) Supporting details (Evidence)
    • But more is still needed. Find at least 2 examples from the extract to support that topic sentence. For example:

    “Evidence of cause and effect can be found in paragraph 5, lines 4-5, where the writer states, ‘two main causes of soil erosion are deforestation and flooding.’ The writer adds in paragraph 6 that soil erosion also results because of overgrazing. The author then goes on to explain that there are numerous effects of soil erosion. For example, in paragraph 8, he says ‘soil erosion decreases the moisture supply by soil to the plants for their growth.’ It also affects the activity of soil micro-organisms; thus deteriorating the crop yield.’ Further effects of soil erosion can be found in paragraphs 9, 10, and 11 where the writer explains that soil erosion by wind causes sandy storms, which also damages crops.”

    Feel free to quote and paraphrase. I need to hear your voice in the essay so don’t just quote alone. Also notice how the paragraph flows using words like ‘also’, ‘further,’ and ‘adds’ to link the sentences.

  3. 3) Closing Sentence: How to wrap up the paragraph

    Rather than just ending the paragraph dryly, you can close it by using at least one sentence, stating how important and effective this organisational strategy is: “The organizational strategy of cause and effect is quite effective because the reader is able to better understand the concept of soil erosion, its triggers, as well as its harmful consequences.”

  4. 4) Transitional Words/Phrases (Connectives)

    Any good essay should utilize transition words not only to link sentences within a paragraph but also to link paragraphs.

    Some examples are:
    In addition, Additionally, Another, Moreover, Furthermore, Besides, Also etc.

    In an essay after you have finished with the 2nd paragraph (the first point in the body of your essay), you could begin the next paragraph by stating:

    3rd paragraph
    “In addition, the writer utilises the organizational strategy of illustration.”

    4th paragraph
    “Moreover, illustration is used by the writer to explain the concept of hurricanes.”

    5th paragraph
    “Furthermore, analogy can be found in paragraphs 4 where the writer compares students to oysters.”

  5. • Please note that if the examiner asks you to identify and explain 3 organisational strategies and 3 language techniques, you should have 6 paragraphs in the body of the essay—one point per paragraph.

    • This is in addition to the intro and conclusion.

    • Again remember that the paragraphs do not have to be long. Only 500 words required.
